Friday, September 30, 2011

Dorky Diva

I love to sing, and I've auditioned for more TV shows than you can imagine, but there IS one catch. I'm a total DORK! A lot of competitions I've entered are based on looks, and I'm a freckle-faced, frizzy brown-haired, wimp-glassed FREAK! HELP!

Dear Dorky Diva,
 I suggest that you show off to the stupid judges that base you on your looks. If it's an all-singing competition, than they shouldn't think twice about your looks! If you insist on changing your look, use hairspray or gel to make your hair less crazy. Get 'cool' glasses like Ray-Bans, like I told Geeked Out-Cast earlier. As far as freckles go, I have tons of them too, and they really aren't that bad. But if you care that much, try concealer. Put it on the areas with freckles (or your whole face) and Voila! If that doesn't work, then I don't know what will.
It's a Secret

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Scared Sixth-Grader

I'm transferring to a new middle school in a month, and I'm worried that nobody is going to like me. Please help me with some 'words of wisdom' about being new and not knowing anybody!!!!

Dear Scared Sixth-Grader,
 Don't worry. Everything will be fine. You just have to find ways to make yourself stand out so that people notice you. If there's a uniform, try finding ways around it to jazz up your appearance. Be nice to everybody, even if they aren't nice to you, and be yourself.
It's a Secret

Monday, September 26, 2011

Geeked Out-Cast

I'm a total geek, and everybody avoids me. I'm probably the smartest kid in my grade. My glasses are those teeny tiny ones that barely fit, and I wear the dorkiest stuff ever. Even my one friend is starting to avoid me too. Any tips?
Geeked Out-cast

Dear Geeked Out-cast,
  I understand how miserable you probably are, but unfortunately, everybody is who they are. Try glamming up your style. Get a pair of those cool Ray-Ban glasses that everybody is dying for! I have a pair of the sunglasses, and they are super cool! As far as your wardrobe goes, ask your parents to take you shopping! Shopping is always fun when you're looking for a new look. Try not to be the smartest kid in class for a few days and see if people start treating you differently, as an experiment. Maybe it'll be fun!
It's a Secret

Frustrated Fashionista

I am all about fashion, but my parents don't approve of my outfits sometimes. ALL THE TIME, even! I like my clothing, I appreciate my parents' opinions, but my clothes are appropriate and cool! I've told them but they won't listen to me! Please help me find a way to get them to accept my choices!! I've resorted to wearing what they want in the morning and changing into my clothes in the bathrooms at school! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
Frustrated Fashionista

Dear Frustrated Fashionista,
 First of all, you should never lie to your parents about anything. No matter what it is, that is never the answer. Second of all, I would suggest a family meeting. Make them sit down and really listen to you. Maybe the just can't accept the fact that you're growing up. If you're an only child or youngest child, that might be part of the reason why they won't budge. They can't bear seeing their little baby grow up.
It's a Secret

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Hey everybody! I'm here to tell you that everybody makes mistakes, and you have to learn to live with the consequences. You might not like it, but it is something that EVERYBODY deals with. But it you're not sure about what to do, and there's really nobody else to talk to, then you come to me. I will give you the best advice ever at no charge. But you do have to promise me that you'll use my advice. I'll accept any questions, not just about getting in trouble. Tell your friends about me and make me your go-to girl for advice.
It's a Secret
P.S. Your secrets are safe with me.